System error messages

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        Graphics Extension ROM:    SRAM Utils:          Aries:                    International:
 80 128 No sprite memory           Illegal parameter    Bad option       Bad id   Bad alphabet
 81 129 Not a graphics mode        Illegal address      Bad page                  Bad country
 82 130 No room to get sprite      No filing system     Bad syntax                Bad keyboard
 83 131 No Sprites                 RAM occupied         RAM in use
 84 132                                                 Bad bank         Device write error
 85 133 Can't open file            Not enough room      Not enough RAM   Not enough SRAM
 86 134 Sprite doesn't exist                            ROM in use       Device is locked
 87 135 Missing comma                                   Not RAM          Device is ROM
 88 136 Sprite numbers are equal   Out of range         Buffer in use
 89 137 Bad number                 No device talked     Extended buffer already in use
 8A 138                            No device listened   Not ROM
 8B 139                            No BBC DEVICE NO     Line too long
 8C 140                            CLEAR not executed   Bad region
 8D 141 Buffer in use              String too long      Overlapping areas
 8E 142 No buffer                                       ROM not found
 8F 143 No 80186                                        No extended buffer present
 90 144 Bad Tube configuration     No Tube present      Not allowed with SOUND
 91 145                                                 Bad buffer
 92 146                            Aborted (ADFS)
 93 147 I cannot run this code     No! (ADFS)           Won't (ANFS)     Door open (VFS)
 94 148 Bad compact                Bad params (ADFS)         [Can't map defect out]
 95 149 IRQ already indirected     Vector already claimed    [Too many defects]
 96 150 Can't delete CSD
 97 151 Can't delete LIB           Can't delete Library
 98 152 Compaction required
 99 153 Map full                   Free space map full
 9A 154                                                 [Disc not formatted/Not XXXX format]
 9B 155                                                 [Too many discs]
 9C 156                                                 [Library unset]
 9D 157 Illegal operation (TFS)                         [Illegal use of ^] 
 9E 158                                                 [Ambiguous disc name]
 9F 159                                                 [Not same disc]
 A0 160 Line jammed                                     [Filecore in use]
 A1 161 Net error                                       [Bad parameters]
 A2 162 Station xxx not listening    Can't delete URD
 A3 163 No clock                     No clock - Check network connector
 A4 164 Station xxx not present      Bad TxCB
 A5 165 No reply from station xxx    No reply           [No room for buffer]
 A6 166 Printer busy                                    [Workspace corrupt]
 A7 167 Printer jammed                                  [Multiple file closing errors]
 A8 168 FS Error XX                  Is a directory            Broken directory
 A9 169 Too long (PSERV)             Bad free space map        Bad FS map            No directory (ADFS)
 AA 170 Wrong printer (PSERV)        Bad printer type (PSERV)  Bad sum (ADFS)
 AB 171 Printer off line             Account XXX bankrupt      [Bad defect list]
 AC 172 Bad user name                                          [Bad drive]
 AD 173 Mode x                       Sizes don't match       Bad MODE (VFS)          Turn interlace on (VFS)
 AE 174 Not logged on                Same disk               Types don't match (Filestore)
 AF 175 Types don't match                                    [Destination disk has defects]
 B0 176 Bad rename                   Circular rename         Rename across disks     Can't rename across discs
 B1 177 Already a user                                       [Bad copy]
 B2 178 PW file full                 No room in memory
 B3 179 Directory full               Dir. full
 B4 180 Directory not empty          Dir. not empty          Dir. is linked
 B5 181 XXXX is not a file           Is a directory          Is a dir.
 B6 182                              Map fault (Filestore)
 B7 183 Outside file
 B8 184 Too many users
 B9 185 Bad password
 BA 186 Insufficient privilege
 BB 187 Wrong password
 BC 188 User not known               Execute only
 BD 189 Insufficient access          Not enabled             Access violation        File execute only
 BD 189 Not open for reading
 BE 190 XXXX is not a directory      Catalogue full          Cat full                Directory full
 BF 191 Who are you?                 Can't extend            Not logged on
 C0 192 Too many files open          Too many open files     No room for more channels
 C0 192 No more FCBs                 No room for MCP         Too many open           All channels already in use
 C1 193 Not open for update          File read only          Can't save file         Read only
 C2 194 Already open                 File open               Can't - file open
 C2 194 Already open at station xxx  Already opened by xxx
 C3 195 Entry locked                 File locked             Locked
 C4 196 File exists                  Already exists          Exists
 C5 197 Bad disk parameters          Disk Fault              Drive fault
 C5 197 Cannot recalibrate           Disk not formatted      Winchester error        [Types don't match]
 C6 198 Disc full                    Length too long         CP memory full          RAMDisk full
 C6 198 Account bankrupt
 C7 199 Bad Sector                   Disk Read Error         Sector error
 C7 199 Clock error                  Disk Write Error        Sector not found
 C7 199 CRC error in data            Floppy Fault            Track 0 not found
 C7 199 CRC error in ID              ID Field CRC Error      Unformatted
 C7 199 Data Field CRC Error         Incompatible            Winchester Error
 C7 199 Disc error                   Late DMA                Write fault
 C7 199 Disc fault                   RAMDisc corruption      Drive error
 C7 199 Disk Clock error             Ramdisc error
 C8 200 Disc changed                 Not an HADFS disk       Too small               Close error
 C9 201 Disc read only               Write protected         Disc protected
 C9 201 Drive read only              Disc write protected
 CA 202 Bad checksum                 Data lost, channel xxx  Device fault
 CB 203 Bad option                   Bad opt
 CC 204 Bad filename                 Bad name
 CD 205 Bad drive                    Drive not ready         Drive door open
 CE 206 Bad directory                Bad dir                 Unsupported directory
 CF 207 Bad attribute
        CFS/RFS errors:
 D0 208 Bad station number           Ambiguous filename
 D1 209 Bad net number               Illegal character       Incompatible disc format
 D2 210                              Drive ? not present
 D3 211 Drive empty
 D4 212                              Write only              [Disk not found]
 D5 213 Locked                                               [Disk not present]
 D6 214 File not found               Not found               XXXX not found          Can't open file
 D7 215 Bad ROM                                              [Filecore does not understand this disc]
 D8 216 Data?                                                [Operation not applicable to disc images]
 D9 217 Header?
 DA 218 Block?
 DB 219 File?
 DC 220 Syntax                       Too many parameters     Invalid number of parameters
 DD 221 (MOS source calls this CFSERR Address)               Disk density mismatch
 DE 222 Channel                      Channel not open        Net channel             Not on this file server
 DF 223 EOF                          End of file
 E0 224 Transfer error                                        [Filing system is locked]
 E1 225                              Bad CMOS file (too long) Wrong file type [File too big] [File too small]
 E2 226
 E3 227
 E4 228
 E5 229
 E6 230
 E7 231
 E8 232
 E9 233
 EA 234 Telesoftware error
 EB 235
 EC 236
 ED 237
 EE 238
 EF 239
        MOS errors:
 F0 240                              Undefined instruction
 F1 241                              Abort on instruction fetch
 F2 242                              Abort on data transfer
 F3 243                              Address exception
 F4 244                              Unknown IRQ
 F5 245                              Branch through zero
 F6 246                              Hardware divide by zero
 F7 247 OS x.yz                      Bad event               MOS x.yz
 F8 248 Bad filing system name       Bad filing system ID    Unknown filing system
 F8 248 No filing system             Duplicate filing system ID
 F9 249 Language?                    No language ROM        
 F9 249 Can't call ROM               No BASIC                Not in BASIC
 F9 249 Can't enter ROM              No <language name>      Not in <language name>
 F9 249 No service entry             Unknown version of BASIC
 F9 249 No language entry            Unknown version of <rom name>
 FA 250 Key in use
 FB 251 Bad key
 FC 252 Bad address                  Bad number
 FD 253 Bad string                   Wildcards               Filename too long
 FE 254 Bad command                  Bad command             Bad command
 FF 255 Bad                          Unknown error           Bad OSWORD
 00   0                              This is not a language
 00   0                              I cannot run this code
        80186 Tube client:
 FF 255 Cannot boot DOS - ADFS not present
 FF 255 Cannot boot DOS - boot file not found
 FF 255 Not 80186 code               Not a language
  100 256 File not found
  101 257 Can't use OS_PRIV from user mode     TK_privilege called from user
  102 258 Can't use OS_PRIV on OS_PRIV         Attempt to modify privilege of TK_privilege
  103 259 Can't use OS_PRIV on unknown SVC     Unknown SVC reference by TK_privilege
  104 260 LOAD/RUN disabled                    Illegal load attempt by TK_OSCLI
  105 261 Illegal event number                 Illegal event number
  106 262 Not a 32016 image
  11B 283 Escape (incorrect)
  1FE 510 End of file (incorrect)
  1FF 511 Key timeout (incorrect)
 FF 255 No BASIC ROM                 No BASIC?
        MDFS File Server extended error:
 02 002 Bad wildcard
 04 004 Bad number
 05 005 Key locked
 08 008 Not ENABLEed
 09 009 Printer in use by XXX
 0A 010 Not authorised to use printer
 10 016 Syntax error
 35 053 File too big
 46 070 Bad attribute
 85 133 Not supported

See also