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OSBYTE &A0 (160) - Read VDU Variable

This call returns variable number X in registers X and Y. On some implementations of BASIC it is called by the =VDU(n) function.

The VDU variables are stored in a machine-dependant location (&0300 in most 8-bit OSs), so this call should be made to read them. 16-bit values (eg &06/7) can be read with one call by reading the low numbered location (eg &06).

As the VDU variables number 0 to 127, some platforms translate VDU variable numbers 128+ to the appropriate RISC OS OS_ReadVduVariables offset.

   VDU Variables
   &00/1     Current graphics window left column in pixels
   &02/3     Current graphics window bottom row in pixels
   &04/5     Current graphics window right column in pixels
   &06/7     Current graphics window top row in pixels
   &08       Current text window left hand column
   &09       Current text window bottom row
   &0A       Current text window right hand column
   &0B       Current text window top column
   &0C/D     Current graphics X origin in external coordinates
   &0E/F     Current graphics Y origin in external coordinates
   &10/1     Current graphics X position in external coordinates
   &12/3     Current graphics Y position in external coordinates
   &14/5     Old graphics X position in external coordinates
   &16/7     Old graphics Y position in external coordinates
   &18       Current absolute text X position (=POS+vduvar &08)
   &19       Current absolute text Y position (=VPOS+vduvar &0B)
   &1A       Line within current graphics cell of graphics cursor
   &1B       Graphics workspace/VDU queue
   &1F-&23   VDU queue
   &24/5     Current graphics X position in internal coordinates
   &26/7     Current graphics Y position in internal coordinates
   &28-&2F   Bitmap read from screen by OSBYTE &87
   &30-&49   Graphics workspace
   &4A/B     Text cursor address for 6845
   &4C/D     Text window width in bytes
   &4E       High byte of bottom of screen memory
   &4F       Bytes per character for current mode
   &50/&51   Screen display start address for 6845
   &52/&53   Bytes per screen row
   &54       Screen memory size high byte
   &55       Current screen mode read by OSBYTE &87
   &56       Memory map type
               0 - 20K mode
               1 - 16K mode
               2 - 10K mode
               3 - 8K mode
               4 - 1K mode
   &57       Foreground text colour mask
   &58       Background text colour mask
   &59       Foreground graphics colour mask (BBC/Electron)
   &5A       Background graphics colour mask (BBC/Electron)
   &5B       Foreground GCOL mode
   &5C       Background GCOL mode
   &5D/&5E   General VDU jump vector
   &5F       Cursor start register previous setting
   &60       Number logical colours -1
   &61       Pixels per byte -1 (zero if text only mode)
   &62       Leftmost pixel colour mask
   &63       Rightmost pixel colour mask
   &64       Text input absolute X position
   &65       Text input absolute Y position
             BBC, Electron:                      Master:
   &66       Teletext output cursor character    VDU 23,16 setting
   &67       Font explosion flags, b1=224-255    VDU 23,6 dot pattern
             in RAM, b7=32-63 in RAM
   &68       Font location, characters 32-63     Current dot pattern state
   &69       Font location, characters 64-95     Colour plotting ECF pattern
                                                 number or zero
   &6A       Font location, characters 96-127    Graphics foreground ECF
                                                 pattern number or zero
   &6B       Font location, characters 128-159   Graphics background ECF
                                                 pattern number or zero
   &6C       Font location, characters 160-191   b7 set when cursor off
                                                 righthand edge of screen
   &6D       Font location, characters 192-223   Graphics foreground colour
   &6E       Font location, characters 224-225   Graphics background colour
   &6F-&7E Palette for colours 0 to 15
   &7F       Unused (used by some shadow RAM systems)

See Also

Jgharston 22:15, 26 May 2009 (UTC) Jgharston (talk) 20:05, 25 October 2015 (UTC)