Location Settings Configured with
0 Econet Station Number *SetStation nnn
1 File server station number *Config. FS nnn
2 File server network number *Config. FS nnn.sss
3 Printer server station number *Config. PS nnn
4 Printer server network number *Config. PS nnn.sss
5 b0-b3 Default filing system ROM *Config. File nn
b4-b7 Default language ROM *Config. Lang nn
6 ROMs 0-7 unplugged/inserted *Insert nn/*Unplug nn
7 ROMs 8-15 unplugged/inserted *Insert nn/*Unplug nn
8 b0-b2 EDIT screen mode
b3 EDIT TAB to columns/words
b4 EDIT overwrite/insert
b5 EDIT display returns
b6-b7 spare
9 Telecoms software
10 b0-b3 Default screen mode b0-b2,b7 *Config. Mode nn
b4 Default TV interlace *Config. TV xx,n
b5-b7 Default TV position, 0 to 3, -4 to -1 *Config. TV nn,x
11 b0-b2 Default floppy speed *Config. FDrive n
b3 Shift Caps on startup \ *Config. ShCaps
b4 No Lock on startup (*fx202) *Config. NoCaps
b5 Caps Lock on startup / *Config. Caps
b6 ADFS load directory on startup *Config. NoDir/Dir
b7 ADFS floppy/hard drive on startup *Config. Floppy/Hard
12 Keyboard repeat delay (*fx11) *Config. Delay nnn
13 Keyboard repeat rate (*fx12) *Config. Repeat nnn
14 Printer ignore character (*fx246) *Config. Ignore nnn
15 b0 Ignore/enable Tube *Config. NoTube/Tube
b1 Ignore printer ignore character (*fx182) *Config. Ignore/Ignore nnn
b2-b4 Default serial speed 0-7 (*fx7/*fx8) *Config. Baud n
b5-b7 Default printer device, 0-7 (*fx245) *Config. Print n
16 b0 Default to shadow screen on start (MER) *Config. Shadow
b1 Default BEEP quite/loud *Config. Quiet/Loud
b2 Internal/External Tube *Config. InTube/ExTube
b3 Scrolling enabled/protected *Config. Scroll/NoScroll
b4 Noboot/boot on reset *Config. NoBoot/Boot
b5-b7 Default serial data format (*fx192) *Config. Data n
17 b0 ANFS raise 2 pages of workspace *Config. NoSpace/Space
b1 ANFS run *FindLib on logon *-Net-Opt 5,n
b2-b3 *-Net-Opt 6,n
b2 ANFS use &0Bxx-&0Cxx or &0Exx-&0Fxx workspace
b3 unused
b4-b5 unused *-Net-Opt 7,n
b6-b7 *-Net-Opt 8,n
b6 ANFS protected
b7 Display version number on startup
18 b0-b3 Compact joystick speed \ *Config. Stick nn
b4 unused (*fx190)
b5 Compact joystick proportional/switched *Config. Proportional/Switched
b6-b7 Century 19-22 /
19 Country code (*fx240) *Config. Country nnn
20-29 Reserved for Acorn
20 b0-b3 ARM CoPro CPU type (JGH ARM Modules) *Config. CPU <cpuname>
30-45 Allocated to ROM 0-15
46-49 Reserved for user applications
255 EEPROM size
VIEW B3.xx
30+rom b0 No formatting/Formatting
b1 No justification/Justification
b2 Overwrite/Insert
b3-b7 unused
30+rom b0-b3 unused
b4-b5 5-(number of channels) *-hadfs-Opt 5,n
b6 Drive 1 internal/external *-hadfs-Opt 7,n
b7 unused
Very naughtily, VFS access location 20+rom instead of 30+rom, so
trashing any ability to use locations 20-29 if VFS is present. Byte
&907A and &9088 in VFS 1.70 needs to be patched, changed from 20 to 30
to fix this.
20+rom b0 VFS Eject/NoEject *Config. Eject/NoEject
b1-b5 unused
b6 VFSDir/VFSNoDir *Config. VFSDir/VFSNoDir
b7 unused
Internationalisation ROM
Also incorrectly uses 20+rom instead of 30+rom. This is particularly a
problem as the Internationalisation ROM is typically used in the Master
Compact which only has three ROMs by default, so if it is ROM slot 10 or
above, it will overwrite location 30+rom.
20+rom country number, copied to OSBYTE 240. *Config. Country <nn|name>