Location Settings Configured with
0 Econet Station Number *SetStation nnn
1 File server station number *Config. FS nnn
2 File server network number *Config. FS nnn.sss
3 Printer server station number *Config. PS nnn
4 Printer server network number *Config. PS nnn.sss
5 b0-b3 Default filing system ROM *Config. File nn
b4-b7 Default language ROM *Config. Lang nn
6 ROMs 0-7 unplugged/inserted *Insert nn/*Unplug nn
7 ROMs 8-15 unplugged/inserted *Insert nn/*Unplug nn
8 b0-b2 EDIT screen mode
b3 EDIT TAB to columns/words
b4 EDIT overwrite/insert
b5 EDIT display returns
b6-b7 spare
9 Telecoms software
10 b0-b3 Default screen mode b0-b2,b7 *Config. Mode nn
b4 Default TV interlace *Config. TV xx,n
b5-b7 Default TV position, 0 to 3, -4 to -1 *Config. TV nn,x
11 b0-b2 Default floppy speed *Config. FDrive n
b3 Shift Caps on startup \ *Config. ShCaps
b4 No Lock on startup (*fx202) *Config. NoCaps
b5 Caps Lock on startup / *Config. Caps
b6 ADFS load directory on startup *Config. NoDir/Dir
b7 ADFS floppy/hard drive on startup *Config. Floppy/Hard
12 Keyboard repeat delay (*fx11) *Config. Delay nnn
13 Keyboard repeat rate (*fx12) *Config. Repeat nnn
14 Printer ignore character (*fx246) *Config. Ignore nnn
15 b0 Ignore/enable Tube *Config. NoTube/Tube
b1 Ignore printer ignore character (*fx182) *Config. Ignore/Ignore nnn
b2-b4 Default serial speed 0-7 (*fx7/*fx8) *Config. Baud n
b5-b7 Default printer device, 0-7 (*fx245) *Config. Print n
16 b0 Default to shadow screen on start (MER) *Config. Shadow
b1 Default BEEP quite/loud *Config. Quiet/Loud
b2 Internal/External Tube *Config. InTube/ExTube
b3 Scrolling enabled/protected *Config. Scroll/NoScroll
b4 Noboot/boot on reset *Config. NoBoot/Boot
b5-b7 Default serial data format (*fx192) *Config. Data n
17 b0 ANFS raise 2 pages of workspace *Config. NoSpace/Space
b1 ANFS run *FindLib on logon *-Net-Opt 5,n
b2-b3 *-Net-Opt 6,n
b2 ANFS use &0Bxx-&0Cxx or &0Exx-&0Fxx workspace
b3 unused
b4-b5 unused *-Net-Opt 7,n
b6-b7 *-Net-Opt 8,n
b6 ANFS protected
b7 Display version number on startup
18 b0-b3 Compact joystick speed \ *Config. Stick nn
b4 unused (*fx190)
b5 Compact joystick proportional/switched *Config. Proportional/Switched
b6-b7 Century 19-22 /
19 Country code (*fx240) *Config. Country nnn
20-29 Reserved for Acorn
20 b0-b3 ARM CoPro CPU type (JGH ARM Modules) *Config. CPU <cpuname>
30-45 Allocated to ROM 0-15
46-49 Reserved for user applications
255 EEPROM size
VIEW B3.xx
30+rom b0 No formatting/Formatting
b1 No justification/Justification
b2 Overwrite/Insert
b3-b7 unused
30+rom b0-b3 unused
b4-b5 5-(number of channels) *-hadfs-Opt 5,n
b6 Drive 1 internal/external *-hadfs-Opt 7,n
b7 unused
Very naughtily, VFS access location 20+rom instead of 30+rom, so
trashing any ability to use locations 20-29 if VFS is present. Byte
&907A and &9088 in VFS 1.70 needs to be patched, changed from 20 to 30
to fix this.
20+rom b0 VFS Eject/NoEject *Config. Eject/NoEject
b1-b5 unused
b6 VFSDir/VFSNoDir *Config. VFSDir/VFSNoDir
b7 unused