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Most of the traffic between computers on a network is the in the form of a client machine communicating with a server machine. The client machine is the computer at which a person logs on and the server machine is a machine such as a File Server or Printer Server. However other types of servers can be added to a network.
The difficulty is for a client machine to determine which computer on the network is the server, and what network port to use. For a File Server and a Printer Server this is not a problem as the NFS and NetPrint systems have built-in defaults.
With other types of servers clients should use the FindServer protocol to locate a particular type of server and the port numbers further communication should use.
Find Server Protocol
Client to server
port &B0 control byte &80 Data name of server in capitals padded with spaces to a length of eight characters as ASCII data.
Server to client
port &B1 control byte &80 Data 0 or error number Data+1 base port for further exchanges Data+2 binary version number of server software, eg &12 for 1.20 Data+3 server type (8 characters, format as for Client to server) Data+11 length of server name (0 if not present) Data+12 server name (optional) Data+12+NameLen server dependant information or 0-terminated error string if ?Data<>0
All servers should respond to the wildcard name of eight spaces. This makes it possible to interrogate your network to find all the servers available. The server will respond with a maximum of 32 bytes to a FindServer request.
Client Program
REM > FindServer REM Use FindServer protocol to find a server : DIM ctrl% 31:X%=ctrl%:Y%=X%DIV256 DIM rxBuf% 31,txBuf% 15:rx%=0:tx%=0 : ON ERROR REPORT:PROCNet_RxKill(tx%):PRINT:END : rx%=FNNet_RxOpen(0,&B1,rxBuf%,&20) $txBuf%="DESPOOL " :REM Look for a DESPOOL server $txBuf%="MUGINS " :REM Look for a MUGINS server $txBuf%="RISCOS " :REM Look for a RISCOS server $txBuf%="TELETEXT" :REM Look for a TELETEXT server $txBuf%="UNIX " :REM Look for a UNIX server $txBuf%=" " :REM Look for all server types try%=10 REPEAT tx%=FNNet_TxCount(&FFFF,&80,&B0,txBuf%,8,0,0,0) IF tx% THEN PRINT FNNet_Err(tx%):END rxok%=FNNet_Rx(rx%) IF NOT rxok%:A%=TIME+50:REPEATUNTILTIME>A%:try%=try%-1 UNTIL rxok% OR try%<1 IF NOT rxok% THEN PROCNet_RxKill(rx%):PRINT "No server found":END rxnum%=FNNet_RxRead(rx%):stn%=X%!3 PRINT "Server found on station ";FNNet_Stn(stn%) IF ?rxBuf% THEN PRINT "Server error: ";$(rxBuf%+1):END rxBuf%?(12+rxBuf%?11)=13:name$=$(rxBuf%+12) rxBuf%?11=13:server$=$(rxBuf%+3) vers%=rxBuf%?2 portBase%=rxBuf%?1 PRINT "Type: ";server$;" Name: ";name$ PRINT "Base port: &";FNh0(portBase%,2);" Version: ";vers%DIV16;".";(vers%AND15)*10 END
This code uses the Net library.
Server Program
REM > ServReply REM Sample to to respond to FindServer requests : DIM ctrl% 15,txBuf% 255,rxBuf% 127,svBuf% 15:X%=ctrl%:Y%=X%DIV256 MyName$="MUGINS " :REM My server type MyPort%=ASC"M" :REM Port for clients to use to talk to me ver$="1.00" :REM My version number svNum%=0:rxNum%=0 PROCopenServ:PROCopenAction :REM Listen to server port and command port REPEAT IFFNNet_Rx(svNum%):PROCserver:PROCopenServ :REM FindServer request IFFNNet_Rx(rxNum%):PROCaction:PROCopenAction :REM Action request UNTIL FALSE : DEFPROCopenServ:svNum%=FNNet_RxOpen(0,&B0,svBuf%,12):ENDPROC DEFPROCopenAction:rxNum%=FNNet_RxOpen(0,MyPort%,rxBuf%,256):ENDPROC : DEFPROCserver:rx%=FNNet_RxRead(svNum%):stn%=X%!3:svBuf%?8=13 IF$svBuf%<>MyName$ AND $svBuf%<>" ":ENDPROC ?txBuf%=0:txBuf%?1=MyPort%:txBuf%?2=EVAL("&"+STR$(10*VALver$)) $(txBuf%+3)=MyName$:txBuf%?11=0 REM Additional data can be returned, txBuf%?11=length, txBuf%+12=data tx%=FNNet_Tx(stn%,&80,&B1,txBuf%,12+txBuf%?11,0) ENDPROC : DEFPROCaction rx%=FNNet_RxRead(rxNum%) : REM Do something with contents of received data : ENDPROC
This code uses the Net library.
- SJ MDFS Manual, Chapter 10
Jgharston 23:29, 15 May 2009 (UTC)