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OSWORD &49 (73): Integra-B calls
All calls use a common control block layout:
 XY?0  command
 XY?1  format flag, returned data length/status
 XY?2  format flag
 XY?3  format flag
 XY!4  data address or count
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
 XY?12 day of week
 XY?13 hours
 XY?14 minutes
 XY?15 seconds
The time and date values are always decimal, in contrast to the OSWORD &0E/&0F
calls which used BCD.

&60: Read RTC time and date as string
Does the equivalent of OSWORD &49,&61:OSWORD &49,&62
On entry:
 XY?0  &60
 XY?1  separators   &84 gives "Tue,19 Nov 2022.00:55:42"
 XY?2  day format   &44 gives "Tue, "
 XY?3  date format  &EB gives "19 Nov 2022"
 XY!4  data address to return string
On exit:
 XY?1  length of returned string including CR
 XY!4  &00008000
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
 XY?12 day of week
 XY?13 hours
 XY?14 minutes
 XY?15 seconds
 The data block holds the returned string, terminated with CR.

&61: Read RTC time and date
On entry:
 XY?0  &61
On exit:
 XY?0  &00
 XY?1  &00
 XY?2  &00
 XY?3  &00
 XY?4  &00
 XY?5  &00
 XY?6  &00
 XY?7  &00
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
 XY?12 day of week
 XY?13 hours
 XY?14 minutes
 XY?15 seconds

&62: Convert RTC time and date to string
On entry:
 XY?0  &62
 XY?1  separators   &84 gives "Tue,19 Nov 2022.00:55:42"
 XY?2  day format   &44 gives "Tue, "
 XY?3  date format  &EB gives "19 Nov 2022"
 XY!4  data address to return string
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
 XY?12 day of week
 XY?13 hours
 XY?14 minutes
 XY?15 seconds
On exit:
 XY?1  length of returned string including CR
 XY!4  &00008000
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
 XY?12 day of week
 XY?13 hours
 XY?14 minutes
 XY?15 seconds
 The data block holds the returned string, terminated with CR.

&63: No operation, control block unchanged

&64: Read Alarm
On entry:
On exit:
 XY?0  &00
 XY?1  RTC Alarm register b6=0 Off, b6=1 On
 XY?2  &00
 XY?3  &00
 XY?4  &00
 XY?5  &00
 XY?6  &00
 XY?7  &00
 XY?8  &00
 XY?9  &00
 XY?10 &00
 XY?11 &00
 XY?12 &00
 XY?13 alarm hours
 XY?14 alarm minutes
 XY?15 alarm seconds

&65: Set RTC time
On entry:
 XY?0  &65
 XY?13 hours
 XY?14 minutes
 XY?15 seconds

&66: Set RTC date
 XY?0  &66
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
 The day of the week is calculated from the date

&67: Set RTC Alarm
 XY?0  &67
 XY?1  Alarm enable b6=0 Off, b6=1 On
 XY?13 alarm hours
 XY?14 alarm minutes
 XY?15 alarm seconds

&68: Validate date
On entry:
 XY?0  &68
 XY?8  &FF or century
 XY?9  &FF or year
 XY?10 &FF or month
 XY?11 &FF or day of month
 XY?12 &FF or day of week
On exit:
 Any &FFs are replaced with the earliest date that would match.
 If the year is &FF, it is replaced with this year.

&69: Generate calendar
On entry:
 XY?0  &69
 XY!4  data address to return string
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
On exit:
 XY?1  number of bytes returned
At the data address will be the calendar data. &00 indicates blanks in
the calendar, <>&00 is a number to display. The data is seven blocks of
six bytes, ordered 6 x {Sun}, 6 x {Mon}, etc.

&6A: Convert date to absolute day number
On entry:
 XY?0  &6A
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
On exit:
 XY?0  &00=Ok, &FF=invalid date
 XY!4  count of number of days where 01-Jan-1900 = &0000

&6B: Convert absolute day number to date
On entry:
 XY?0  &6A
 XY!4  count of number of days where 01-Jan-1900 = &0000
On exit:
 XY?8  century
 XY?9  year
 XY?10 month
 XY?11 day of month
 XY?12 day of week

All other calls are ignored and passed on to other ROMs. IBOS up
to version 1.20 have a bug in that subcalls &6C-&6F are claimed,
but there is no dispatch address, so they crash.

See Also

Jgharston 13:37, 26 May 2009 (UTC) Jgharston (talk) 20:46, 29 November 2022 (CET)