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OSWORD &18 (24): IP Network transmit

This call is made by a modifed NFS to pass networking calls on to an IP networking handler. It should not be called directly by the user, programs should call OSWORD &10 and allow the networking system to forward the call to the appropriate handler.


On entry:
  XY?0   = control byte with b7 set
  XY?1   = destination port
  XY+2..3= destination station
  XY!4   = buffer start address
  XY!8   = buffer end address
  XY!12  = remote address for immediate operations
On exit
  XY?0   = zero if transmission failed to start

Transmission must be polled with OSBYTE &32 (50). If the destination station is &FFFF, a broadcast will be sent, the eight bytes of data are in the control block at XY+4 to XY+11. If the port number is zero, an immediate operation is transmitted.

See Also

Networking calls

Jgharston 01:31, 19 December 2010 (UTC)