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OSBYTE &7A (122) Keyboard Scan from &10

Simply performs OSBYTE &79 with X=16 to scan the main keyboard skipping the modifier keys and DIP links.

 On entry:
   no parameters
 On exit:
   X=&FF : for no key pressed
   X<&80 : internal keynumber of key pressed


OSBYTE &7A is used by ROMs on startup to test for a keypress to select themselves, usually on service call &03, in the following manner:

 LDA #&7A:JSR OSBYTE      :\ Check for keys pressed
 TXA:BMI Select           :\ No key pressed, select
 CMP #mykeynum:BNE Exit   :\ My selection key not pressed, exit
 LDA #&78:JSR OSBYTE      :\ Write the key back to cancel it
 \ Select myself

The mykeynum is the internal keycode for the keypress, which is the negative INKEY number EOR'd with &FF. For example, &32 for 'D', &55 for 'N'.

OSBYTE &78 to cancel the keypress can write any value with bit 7 set to 0. The keypress value tested from OSBYTE &7A will always be less than &80, so it is fine to use it as the entry value to OSBYTE &78.

On exit from OSBYTE &7A, Y is undefined, and typically contains &EE pointing to the third keyboard workspace location, and an invalid keynumber.[1]

Paged ROMs that use the above code incorrectly pass Y unchanged to OSBYTE &78 where it sets an undefined keynumber as the second active rollover key. This does not cause a spurious keypress in practice as the value passed is not a valid keypress (it is the 'Kanji' key on a Japanese keyboard), so on the BBC it is treated as 'no keypress'.

If you want your code to rigourously adhere to the API, you would use the following:

 LDA #&7A:JSR OSBYTE      :\ Check for keys pressed
 TXA:BMI Select           :\ No key pressed, select
 EOR #mykeynum:BNE Exit   :\ My selection key not pressed, exit
 TAY:LDA #&78:JSR OSBYTE  :\ Write the key back to cancel it
 \ Select myself

See also


  1. Stardot forum post by Tom Seddon, 11th December 2024.

Jgharston 21:17, 26 May 2009 (UTC)