Writes a character to the currently selected output stream(s), expanding carriage return to a newline sequence.
6502 | Z80 | 6809 | PDP11 | 80x86 | 32016 | ARM | On entry: | On exit: |
A | A | A | R0 | AL | R1 | R0 | = ASCII value of character to print | preserved |
Prints the character whose ASCII value is in A to the currently selected output stream(s) via OSWRCH. If A = &0D then OSASCI prints LF followed by CR.
Calling from BBC BASIC
- All normal BASIC output is via OSWRCH or WRCHV. 6502 BASIC outputs the "Bad Program" message via OSASCI.
Entry points
- BBC BASIC Entry Address: &FFE3
- 6502 Entry Address: &FFE3
- Z80 Entry Address: &FFE3
- 6809 Entry Address: &FFE3
- 80x86 Entry Address: INT &47, vectors via 0000:011C
- 32000 Entry Address: SVC &03
- PDP-11 Entry Address: none
- ARM Entry Address: none
Jgharston 16:56, 6 November 2009 (UTC)