Reading command line

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When a transient command is run from a filing system OSARGS 1,0 can be used to find the command line. This command line is always stored in the I/O processor. Transient commands usually run in the I/O processor so they can read the command line directly using code such as LDA (zp),Y.

However, if a transient command is written to run in the language processor it must copy the command line to local memory. The following code fragments will do this.


   \ addr    = 5-byte buffer in zero page
   \ cmdline = 256-byte buffer to copy command line to
   LDA #1:LDY #0:LDX #addr:JSR OSARGS   :\ Read address of command line
   LDX #addr:LDY #0:LDA #5:JSR OSWORD   :\ Read byte from I/O memory
   PLA:TAY:LDA addr+4:STA cmdline,Y:INY :\ Copy byte to local buffer
   INC addr:BNE rdcmdnxt:INC addr+1     :\ Increment command line address
   CMP #13:BNE rdcmdlp                  :\ Loop until <cr>


   \ addr    = 5-byte buffer
   \ cmdline = 256-byte buffer to copy command line to
   LD A,1:LD E,0:LD HL,addr:CALL OSARGS :\ Read address of command line
   LD DE,cmdline
   LD HL,addr:LD A,5:CALL OSWORD        :\ Read byte from I/O memory
   LD A,(addr+4):LD (DE),A:INC DE       :\ Copy byte to local buffer
   LD HL,(addr):INC HL:LD (addr),H      :\ Increment command line addressL
   CP 13:JR NZ,rdcmdlp                  :\ Loop until <cr>




   \ If code has a Unix header, SP=>stack frame with parameters
   \ Otherwise, R1=>command line in local memory



   SWI "OS_GetEnv"                      :\ R0=>command line in local memory


If the transient command is written in BASIC, the command line is already in local memory due to it being used by BASIC to local the program, and is collectable with the FNOS_GetEnv function in the ProgEnv program library.


Some filing systems provide the OSGBPB 9,0 call to copy the command line to local memory.

Jgharston 13:56, 2 December 2009 (UTC)