Commands S

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Suffix commands

  ----Save    - Save a file
      Save    - Save a file
   BMPSave    - Save a BitMap file
     CSave    - Save character set (font definition)
   KeySave    - Save soft key definitions
   RFSSave    - Save RFS image file
    RMSave    - Save a relocatable module
   ScrSave    - Save a BBC screen dump
ScreenSave    - Save a RISC OS screen dump
     SSave    - Save sprites
    SRSave    - Save to Sideways RAM
  CMOSSave    - Save configuration file (actually SaveCMOS)
  ----Serv    - Servers
  SpecServ    - Start Spectrum file server

 ----Split    - Split files
     Split    - Split files
    BSplit    - Split BASIC files
    FSplit    - Split files
   TxSplit    - Split text files

Prefix commands

S----         - Sprite commands
SChoose       - Select a sprite
SCopy         - Copy sprites
SDelete       - Delete sprite
SFlipX        - Flip sprite in X direction
SFlipY        - Flip sprite in Y direction
SGet          - Get a sprite
SInfo         - Display info on a sprite
SList         - List sprites
SLoad         - Load sprites
SMerge        - Merge sprites
SNew          - Create new sprite
SRename       - Rename sprite
SSave         - Save sprites

Scr----       - BBC Screen commands
ScrLoad       - Load (possibly compressed) BBC screen file with palette info
ScrSave       - Save (possibly compressed) BBC screen file with palette info

Screen----    - RISC OS Screen commands
ScreenLoad    - Load RISC OS screen file
ScreenSave    - Save RISC OS screen file

Ser----       - Serial commands
SerFix        - Fix serial buffering bug
SerTerm       - Serial Terminal
Set----       - Set settings
SetChoices    -
SetDate       - Set RTC date
SetExec       - Set file exec address
SetLoad       - Set file loade address
SetOpts       -
SetSpec       - Set file load&exec addresses from embedded ZX Spectrum addresses
SetStation    - Set RISC OS station number
SetTime       - Set RTC time
SetType       - Set file type

Sort.----     - Sorting commands
Sort.Date     - Sort files by date
Sort.Month    - Soft files by month
Sort.Year     - Sort files by year

Spec----      - ZX Spectrum commands
SpecCont      - Continue Spectrum emulation
SpecLoad      - Load file into Spectrum memory
SpecROM       - Specify/load Spectrum ROM
SpecSave      - Save file from Spectrum memory
SpecServ      - Start Spectrum file server
Spectrum      - Start Spectrum emulation

SR----        - Sideways RAM/ROM commands
SRData        - Set a RAM bank to be a data block
SRLoad        - Load sideways ROM image
SRRead        - Read from sideways ROM/RAM
SRROM         - Set a RAM bank to a sideways ROM/RAM bank
SRSave        - Save sideways ROM image
SRWrite       - Write to sideways ROM/RAM

Conversion commands

----ToSnap    - Convert files to snapshot
 BINtoSnap    - Convert binary files to snapshot

----ToSSD     - Convert files to SSD disk image
 DSDtoSSD     - Convert DSD disk image to SSD disk image

 SSDto----    - Convert files fromo SSD disk image
 SSDtoDSD     - Convert SSD disk image to DSD disk image

Alphabetical list

SafeLogon     - 
Save          - Save a file
SaveCMOS      - Save configuration file (should be CMOSSave)
SChoose       - Select a sprite
SCopy         - Copy sprites
ScreenLoad    - Load RISC OS screen file
ScreenSave    - Save RISC OS screen file
ScrLoad       - Load (possibly compressed) BBC screen file with palette info
Scroll        - Scrolling text viewer
ScrSave       - Save (possibly compressed) BBC screen file with palette info
SCV           -
SDelete       - Delete sprite
Search        -
SelCopier     - Selective copier
SerFix        - Fix serial buffering bug
SerTerm       - Serial Terminal
Servers       - List servers
Set           - Set Master station number or RISC OS system variable
SetChoices    -
SetDate       - Set RTC date
SetExec       - Set file exec address
SetLoad       - Set file loade address
SetOpts       -
SetSpec       - Set file load&exec addresses from embedded ZX Spectrum addresses
SetStation    - Set RISC OS station number
SetTime       - Set RTC time
SetType       - Set file type
SFlipX        - Flip sprite in X direction
SFlipY        - Flip sprite in Y direction
SGet          - Get a sprite
Shadow        - Set shadow screen on/off
Show          - Show soft (function) key definitions or system variables
Shut          - Close all files on all filing systems
ShutWait      -
SInfo         - Display info on a sprite
Size          -
Sizer         -
SJMon         - SJ network monitor
SList         - List sprites
SLoad         - Load sprites
Slow          -
SlowPrint     -
SMerge        - Merge sprites
SNew          - Create new sprite
Sort.Date     - Sort files by date
Sort.Month    - Soft files by month
Sort.Year     - Sort files by year
SP            -
SpecCont      - Continue Spectrum emulation
SpecLoad      - Load file into Spectrum memory
SpecROM       - Specify/load Spectrum ROM
SpecSave      - Save file from Spectrum memory
SpecServ      - Start Spectrum file server
Spectrum      - Start Spectrum emulation
Speech        -
Spell         -
Split         - Split files
SplitTalk     -
Spool         - Send text output to file
SpoolOn       - Append text output to file
Squash        - Squash files or data
SRData        - Set a RAM bank to be a data block
SRename       - Rename sprite
SRLoad        - Load sideways ROM image
SRRead        - Read from sideways ROM/RAM
SRROM         - Set a RAM bank to a sideways ROM/RAM bank
SRSave        - Save sideways ROM image
SRWrite       - Write to sideways ROM/RAM
SSave         - Save sprites
SSDtoDSD      - Convert SSD disk image to DSD disk image
Stack         -
StaffLogon    -
Stamp         - Stamp file/directory with today's date
StarRun       -
Start         -
Statement     -
Stations      - List stations on network
Stats         -
Status        - Display configuration status
Step          -
Still         -
Stop          -
SubjBoot      -
suffix        - suffixes to extend truncated filename extensions
SyncTime      - Synchronise local time with network time
SYS           - Execute SYS call
SysAdm        - System Administration
SystLog       -

See also

WikiSysop (talk) 13:14, 8 March 2015 (UTC)