Commands (All)

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Alphabetical list

40to80        - Convert 40-track disk to 80-track disk
65Lib         - 6502 library

Acc1200       -
Acc1900       -
Acc1B00       -
Acc900        -
Access        - Set file/directory access
Account       - Set file/directory account
AddApp        - Add application
AddToResFS    - Add file to ResourceFS:
AddToRMA      - Add file to RMA
ADFS          - Select ADFS
AllStat       -
Alt           -
Amstrad       -
Append        - Append to text file
AppSize       -
Arc6502       -
Archive       - Archive files
Assem         - Assemble machine code
AsmPDP        - Assemble PDP-11 machine code
ATServ        - 
Audio         - 

Back          - Go back to previously selected directory
Backup        - Backup disk
BannerPrnt    -
Bas128        - Enter 128K BASIC
BasConv       - Convert BASIC files
BasHello      -
BasObj        -
Bas32         - Enter 32016 BASIC
Basic         - Enter BASIC
BBCtoBMP      - Convert BBC screen dump to BitMap file
BCrunch       - Crunch BASIC file
BDiff         - List differences between two BASIC files
BINtoMDR      - Convert binary files to microdrive image file
BINtoSnap     - Convert binary files to snapshot
BINtoTAP      - Convert binary files to tapefile
BJoin         - Join BASIC files
BList         - List BASIC file
BMPInfo       - Display BitMap file information
BMPLoad       - Load BitMap file to current display
BMPSave       - Save current display as a bitmap
BMPtoBBC      - Convert BitMap file to BBC screen file
BootRoot      -
BootVars      -
Break         - Display message on Break
Buffer        -
Build         - Build a text file
BVerify       - Verify BASIC file
BXTerm        -
Bye           - Log off from server or disks

Call          -
Cat           - Catalog directory
CatAll        - Catalog all directories
CDir          - Create directory
CH            - 
Chain         - CHAIN a BASIC file
Chapter       -
Check         -
CheckNet      - Check for presence of network
CheckStn      - Check for presence of station
CLI           -
CLib          - C Library
CLoad         - Load character set
Close         - Close all open files on current filing system
CMOSLoad      - Load configuration file, actually LoadCMOS
CMOSSave      - Save configuration file, actually SaveCMOS
Code          -
ColDump       -
Compact       - Compact media
Compare       -
Configure     - Set configuration options
Conv          -
ConvGraph     -
Cookie        - Display random cookie
Copier        - 
Copy          -
CopyAll       -
CopyDFS       -
Count         -
CPM           - Boot CPM
CPMFS         - Select CPMFS filing system
Create        - Create file
Crunch        - Crunch BASIC program
CSave         - Save character set
CSP           -
Cursors       -
CutPaste      -
CV            - Display local user/machine information

Data          -
Date          - Display current date
DD            -
DefChar       - Define characters
DefIcon       - Define icons
Delete        - Delete file/directory
Describe      -
DeskGo        -
DeskShut      -
Destroy       - Destroy multiple files/directories
DFSOff        - Disable DFS
DFSOn         - Enable DFS
Dir           - Select directory
DirCat        -
DirCreate     -
DirScan       -
Disable       - Disable features
Disable DFS   - Disable DFS
Disable HADFS - Disable HADFS
Disable NFS   - Disable NFS
Disable Short - Disable short saves
Disc          - Select Disc Filing System
DiscOff       - Disable DFS
DiscOn        - Enable DFS
Discs         - Lists disks
Disk          - Select Disk Filing System
DiskFind      -
DiskName      -
Disks         - List disks
DiskServ      -
Dismount      - Dismount a disk
Disp          -
Display       - Display teletext screen
Do            -
DoMail        -
DOS           - Boot DOS
DOSFS         - Select DOS filing system
Drive         - Select a drive
DSDtoSSD      - Convert DSD disk image to SSD disk image
Dump          - Dump a file
Dump7         -

Echo          - Echo string
Edit          - Enter text editor
EditMenu      -
Eject         - Eject removable media
Enable        - Enable "dangerous" commands
Enable DFS    - Enable Disk Filing System
Enable Short  - Enable short saves
EpatAll       -
eraq          -
Error         - Generate an error
EscFix        -
ETree         - Extended directory tree listing
Ex            - Extended directory catalog
Examine       - Examine directory objects
Exec          - Read file into standard input
ExitDir       -
Explode       - Explode character set
Export        - Export files/disks

Fast          - Fasten to network command server
FCode         - Set videodisk F-Code
FComp         - Compare files
FIEdit        - Edit file information
FileInfo      - Display full file information
Filer         - Enter filer
Files         - List open files
Find          - Find files
Find8BS       - Find 8BS files
FindLib       - Find network library
FJoin         - Join files
Folio         -
Forcer        -
Form          - Format disk
Form160       - Format 160-track disk
Form40        - Format 40-track disk
Form80        - Format 80-track disk
Format        - Format disk
Frame         - Set videodisk frame
Free          - Display disk free space
FS            - Select file server
FSCalls       - Display filing system calls
FSList        - List file servers
FSplit        - Split files
FX            - General OSBYTE call

GameBoot      -
GDump         - Dump graphics screen to printer
GetStnNum     - Get network/station number details
Give          -
GNet          - Get network number
GO            - Call code in language processor
Going         -
GOIO          - Call code in I/O processor
Goodbye       -
Grep          -
GSEcho        - Echo GSTranslated string
GTest         -
GTime         - Get time
GUser         - Get user name

HADFS         - Select HADFS filing system
Handles       - List file handles open/closed information
Head          - Display head (first few lines) of text file
Help          - Display help on commands
HexDiff       - Output difference between hex files
HexPatch      - Patch with a hex file
HiBasic       - Enter High BASIC
HiEdit        - Enter High Edit
HOff          - Turn teletext header or hourglass off
HOn           - Turn teletext header or hourglass on
HostFS        - Select HostFS filing system
Hourglass     - Turn hourglass on/off/smash/etc

I AM          - Log on to disk/file server/etc
If            - Execute command conditionally
IfThere       - Execute command if file/directory present
Ignore        - Set printer ignore character
Import        - Import files/disks
Info          - Display info on a file or directory
Insert        - Insert sideways ROM/RAM into ROM table
Install       - Install system infomation onto disk/etc

Join          - Join files
JMon          - Network monitor

Key           - Define soft (function) key
KeyLoad       - Load soft key definitions
Keys          - List soft key definitions
KeySave       - Save soft key definitions
Kill          -
KillDFS       - Disable DFS
KillROMs      -

LeaveMenus    - 
Lib           - Select library directory
LibFS         - Select library filing system
Line          - Pass line of text to User vector
Link          - Link object files
List          - List a file
Lister        - 
ListIf        - 
ListLogons    - 
Load          - Load a file
LoadCMOS      - Load configuration file (should be CMOSLoad)
Lock          - 
LockBoot      - 
LockUp        - 
LogOn         - Log onto file server
LookUp        - 
lp            - Print out formatted file
lpS           - Display formatted text file to screen

Machines      -
Magazine      - Select teletext magazine
Mail.Extract  -
Mailbox       -
MailTo        - Write outgoing mail message
MakeLP        - Make *lp printout command
Man           - Display manual entry
Map           - Display free space map
Menu          -
MenuF         -
MCode         - Make BASIC file into runnable machine code
MDRCat        - Catalog microdrive image file
MDRDump       - Dump microdrive image file
MDRtoBIN      - Convert microdrive image file to binary files
MDRtoTAP      - Convert microdrive image file to tapefile
MDump         - Dump memory
MEdit         - Edit memory
MFlush        - Flush multiple print jobs
mi            - Display Mail Info
MIDI          - Connect/disconnect MIDI system
MkImage       - Make a disk image
MkSrc         - Make source
MkSrc09       - Make 6809 source file
MkSrc32       - Make 32016 source file
MkSrc65       - Make 6502 source file
MkSrcARM      - Make ARM source file
MkSrcPDP      - Make PDP-11 source file
MkSrcZ80      - Make Z80 source file
ml            - List mail files
MMCConfig     - Configure GoMMC
MMCDisc       - Specify GoMMC disk
MMCExtra      - GoMMC extra commands
MMCInfo       - Display GoMMC information
MMCList       - List GoMMC objects
MMCPrefix     - Set GoMMC prefix
MMCReset      - Reset GoMMC
MMCRewind     - Rewind GoMMC tapefile
MMCTool       - GoMMC tools
Mode          - Select screen mode
Mon           - Disassemble code
Mon09         - Disassemble 6809 code
Mon32         - Disassemble 32016 code
Mon65         - Disassemble 6502 code
MonARM        - Disassemble ARM code
MonPDP        - Disassemble PDP-11 code
MonZ80        - Disassemble Z80 code
Motor         - Turn cassette motor on/off
Mount         - Mount a disk
Mouse         - Mouse on/off
MouseSpeed    - Set mouse speed
Move          - Copy file between filing systems
MUGINS        -
MultiCopy     - Copy files between multiple file servers
MUsers        -
Music         -

Net           - Select network filing system
NetChoices    - Read/Set network choices
NetFree       - Display file server free space
NetMon        - Network monitor
NetTest       -
NetTrfer      -
NewMenu       -
NewPass       - Set new password
News          -
NewsEditor    -
NextPAcc      -
NFSOff        -
NFSOn         -
NoDirCat      -
Notify        - Send a message to a network station
NType         -
NVOff         -
NVOn          -

Opt           - Set filing system options

PanOS         - Start PanOS operating system
Pathname      - Display current pathname
Pack          -
Page          - Specify teletext page
PageSet       -
Pass          - Set password
PassW         -
PDate         -
Phone         -
Ping          -
Play          -
PList         -
Pointer       - Display pointer on/off
Poll          -
PollPS        - Poll printer server
PoundOff      -
PoundOn       -
PR            -
PrBytes       -
Prefix        -
Print         - Print a file to screen as raw characters
PrintBuffer   -
PrintMenus        -
Prod          - Prod station
ProdPS        - Prod printer servers
Prot          - Set fully protected
ProtEx        - Set individual protection settings
PS            - Select printer server
PServ         -
PSet          -
PSList        - List printer servers
PTime         -
PUser         -
PutGet        -
PWCode        -

Quit          - Return to caller

Repair        -
ReadOSVers    -
ReadProt      -
Recover       -
Rem           - Enter a comemnt into a logfile
RemDB         - Remote Debug remote station
Remote        - Take control of remote station
Remove        - Remove a file/directory without any errors
Rename        - Rename file/directory
Repeat        - Repeat commands
Replace       -
ReplyTo       - Reply to email message
Report        - Report last error message
Reveal        - Reveal conceled display
RFSLoad       - Load RFS disk image
RFSSave       - Save RFS disk image
RMClear       - Clear Relocatable Module
RMEnsure      - Ensure Relocatable Module
RMFaster      -
RMInsert      - Insert Relocatable Module into Module table
RMKill        -
RMList        - List relocatable modules
RMLoad        - Load a relocatable module
RMReInit      -
RMRun         - Run Relocatable Module
RMSave        - Save Relocatable Module
RMTidy        - Tidy Relocatable Module Area
ROff          - Turn off Remote
ROM           - Select ROM filing system
ROMInfo       -
ROMList       -
ROMS          - List sideways ROMs
ROMSave       -
RShut         - Remote Shutdown
RSLink        - Set up serial link
RSSend        - Send file via serial link
Run           - Run a file
RunLogon      -

SafeLogon     - 
Save          - Save a file
SaveCMOS      - Save configuration file (should be CMOSSave)
SChoose       - Select a sprite
SCopy         - Copy sprites
ScrLoad       - Load (possibly compressed) BBC screen file with palette info
ScrSave       - Save (possibly compressed) BBC screen file with palette info
ScreenLoad    - Load RISC OS screen file
ScreenSave    - Save RISC OS screen file
Scroll        - Scrolling text viewer
SCV           -
SDelete       - Delete sprite
SelCopier     - Selective copier
SerFix        - Fix serial buffering bug
SerTerm       - Serial Terminal
Servers       - List servers
Set           - Set Master station number or RISC OS system variable
SetChoices    -
SetDate       - Set RTC date
SetExec       - Set file exec address
SetLoad       - Set file loade address
SetOpts       -
SetSpec       - Set file load&exec addresses from embedded ZX Spectrum addresses
SetStation    - Set RISC OS station number
SetTime       - Set RTC time
SetType       - Set file type
SFlipX        - Flip sprite in X direction
SFlipY        - Flip sprite in Y direction
SGet          - Get a sprite
Shadow        - Set shadow screen on/off
Show          - Show soft (function) key definitions or system variables
Shut          - Close all files on all filing systems
ShutWait      -
Size          -
Sizer         -
SInfo         - Display info on a sprite
SJMon         - SJ network monitor
SList         - List sprites
SLoad         - Load sprites
Slow          -
SlowPrint     -
SMerge        - Merge sprites
SNew          - Create new sprite
Sort.Date     - Sort files by date
Sort.Month    - Soft files by month
Sort.Year     - Sort files by year
SpecServ      -
SP            -
Speech        -
Spell         -
Split         - Split files
SplitTalk     -
Spool         - Send text output to file
SpoolOn       - Append text output to file
Squash        - Squash files or data
SRData        - Set a RAM bank to be a data block
SRename       - Rename sprite
SRLoad        - Load sideways ROM image
SRRead        - Read from sideways ROM/RAM
SRSave        - Save sideways ROM image
SRROM         - Set a RAM bank to a sideways ROM/RAM bank
SRWrite       - Write to sideways ROM/RAM
SSave         - Save sprites
SSDtoDSD      - Convert SSD disk image to DSD disk image
Stack         -
StaffLogon    -
Stamp         - Stamp file/directory with today's date
StarRun       -
Start         -
Statement     -
Stations      - List stations on network
Stats         -
Status        - Display configuration status
Step          -
Still         -
Stop          -
SubjBoot      -
suffix        - suffixes to extend truncated filename extensions
SyncTime      - Synchronise local time with network time
SYS           - Execute SYS call
SysAdm        - System Administration
SystLog       -

Take          -
Tape          - Select tape filing system
TapeInfo      -
TaskKill      -
tcc           - Tiny C Compiler
Telesoft      - Select telesoft filing system
Teletext      - Enter teletext terminal
Tell          -
TermRX        -
TextRd        -
TextToBas     - Convert text file to BASIC file
Time          - Display current time and date
Timer         -
TimeSet       -
Title         - Set disk title
tl            - 
Tr            -
Transfer      - Transfer teletext page to memory
Tree          -
TreeCopy      - Copy directory tree
TSDP          - Display Teletext Service Data Packet
TtxtInit      - Initialise Teletext settings
TTXTOff       - Turn Teletext firmware off
TTXTOn        - Turn Teletext firmware on
Tune          - Enter teletext tuner
TV            - Set display TV setting
TxEdit        - Enter Teletext Editor
TxMenu        - Enter Teletext Suite menu
TxForm        - Format text
TxJoin        - Join text files
TxSave        - Save display as a text file
TxSplit       - Split text files
TxTidy        - Tidy a text file
Type          - Type a text file

UnZip         - Extract files from Zip file
UK            - Select UK display settings (256 scan lines)
UnLock        -
Up            - Go up one directory, *DIR ^
US            - Select US display settings (200 scan lines)
UserBoot      -
UserMenu      -
Users         - List logged-on users

VData         - Display teletext (Viewdata) pages
Verify        - Verify disk
Vers          - Display version string
View          - View remote screen
ViewHello     -
VList         - List BASIC variables

WaitUntil     -
WhoIs         -
Wipe          - Wipe files/directories
Word          - Enter View word processor
Words         -

X             - Execute *command without error, call 'X'-form OSCLI
XCopy         - Extended copy
XTerm         - Terminal program

Z80           - Enter Z80 emulator
Z80Lib        - Z80 library
Zip           - Create Zip file
ZipCat        - Catalog Zip file
ZipDiff       - List differences between Zip files
ZipEx         - Examine Zip file
ZipInfo       - Detailed info of Zip file
ZipToInf      - Extra Zip metadata as INF files
ZXDisp        - Display ZX Spectrum screen dump
ZXSend        - Send file to ZX Spectrum

See also

Jgharston 21:05, 9 September 2011 (UTC)