Commands G

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Suffix commands

Prefix commands

G----         - Graphics commands
GDump         - Dump graphics screen to printer

G----         - Get information
GNet          - Get network number
GTime         - Get time
GUser         - Get user name

Get----       - Get information
GetStnNum     - Get network/station number details

GS----        - GSTrans commands
GSEcho        - Echo GSTranslated string

GO----        - Call code
GO            - Call code in language processor
GOIO          - Call code in I/O processor

Conversion commands

Alphabetical list

GameBoot      -
GDump         - Dump graphics screen to printer
GetStnNum     - Get network/station number details
Give          -
GNet          - Get network number
GO            - Call code in language processor
Going         -
GOIO          - Call code in I/O processor
Goodbye       -
Grep          -
GSEcho        - Echo GSTranslated string
GTest         -
GTime         - Get time
GUser         - Get user name


Jgharston 20:39, 7 September 2011 (UTC)