OSWORD &20 (32) - Transfer data between Tube and I/O memory TubeLink
On entry: XY?0=direction 0=Tube to I/O, 1=I/O to Tube XY!1=Tube address XY!5=I/O address XY!9=number of bytes Extended I/O addresses are used. &FFrrxxxx specifies ROM &rr, &FFFExxxx specifies shadow screen memory.
OSWORD &20 (32) - Acorn User Windowing System 1.00 by Alan Blundell
XY?0=0 - Close all windows XY?0=1 - Close top window XY?0=2 - Release window XY?0=3..9 - Open window type 3..9 On entry: XY?1=left XY?2=bottom XY?3=right XY?4=top XY?5=foreground colour XY?6=background colour XY?7=title bar colour XY?8=title bar background colour XY?9=edge colour XY?10=edge background colour XY+11...=CR-terminated title string
As OSWORD calls 21-127 are defined to have a 16-byte control block, only 4-character title strings can legally by passed. The version 2.00 Windowing System should be used instead which uses OSWORD 193 with a correctly-formed control block.
See Also
Jgharston 13:29, 26 May 2009 (UTC)