OSWORD &08 (8): Define a sound envelope
On entry: XY?0 =envelope number XY?1 =length of each envelope step (b7=auto repeat pitch envelope) XY?2 =change of pitch in step 1 XY?3 =change of pitch in section 2 XY?4 =change of pitch in section 3 XY?5 =number of steps in section 1 XY?6 =number of steps in section 2 XY?7 =number of steps in section 3 XY?8 =change of amplitude per step in attack phase XY?9 =change of amplitude per step in decay phase XY?10=change of amplitude per step in sustain phase XY?11=change of amplitude per step in release phase XY?12=target amplitude at end of attack phase XY?13=target amplitude at the end of the decay phase
Calling from BBC BASIC
ENVELOPE e,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13
calls OSWORD &08.
See Also
The OSWORD &08 ENVELOPE call meerly copies the parameters into the specified envelope buffer. The sound system then uses this data when generating and updating sounds.
Jgharston 20:14, 29 July 2010 (UTC)