Paging in video memory

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The BBC Master, the Aries-B20, the Aries B-32 and the Watford 32 RAM card have shadow screen memory. The following code (taken from HADFS[1] and HostFS[2]) will page in or out the video memory transparently using the appropriate OSBYTE call to do so.

 \ Screen selection routines
 \ =========================
 \ On entry, Y=0 - select main memory
 \           Y=1 - select video memory
 TYA:PHA:AND #1:PHA:TAX   :\ A=0 main RAM, A=1 video RAM
 LDA #108:JSR OSBYTE      :\ Attempt to select Master video RAM
 PLA:INX:BNE vramOk       :\ X<>255, successful
 EOR #1:TAX               :\ A=1 main RAM, A=0 video RAM
 LDA #111:JSR OSBYTE      :\ Attempt to select Aries/Watford RAM

Using this code, filing system or other code can selectively access main or video memory according to the standard &FFFFxxxx, &FFFExxxx and &FFFDxxxx address ranges.

 \ Decide what local memory to transfer data to/from
 \ -------------------------------------------------
 \ On entry, DADR+0...DADR+3=data transfer address
 \                         A=&Fx - read (load) data
 \                         A=&Ex - write (save) data
 LDX &27A:BPL WaitTransIO     :\ No Tube
 LDX DADR+3                   :\ Check transfer address
 INX:BNE WaitTransTube        :\ Tube present, ADDR<&FFxxxxxx
 AND #&F0:TAY                 :\ Y=transfer flag with b7=1 for IO transfer
 LDX DADR+2:INX:BEQ WaitIOGo  :\ &FFFFxxxx - current IO memory
 LDA &D0                      :\ Get VDU status, bit 4=shadow screen
 INX:BEQ WaitIOScreen         :\ &FFFExxxx - use current display memory according to b4
 INX:BNE WaitIOGo             :\ Not &FFFDxxxx - use current IO memory
 LDA #16                      :\ &FFFDxxxx - shadow screen memory, force b4=1
 AND #16:BEQ WaitIOGo         :\ Non-shadow screen displayed, jump with Y=&E0/&F0
 INY:JSR vramSelect           :\ Set b0 for screen, page in video RAM
 TYA:PHA                      :\ Save IO and screen selection flags
 \ At this point, the byte on the stack holds
 \   &E0 - load is to current memory
 \   &E1 - load is to screen memory
 \   &F0 - save is from current memory
 \   &F1 - save is from screen memory
 \ ie b7=1 - IO memory, b0=main/video memory
 \ Do IO memory transfer here
 PLA:BPL WaitExitRelease      :\ Pop transfer flag, b0=0 - Tube release
 ROR A:BCS WaitExitScreen     :\ b0=1, Screen release
 JMP TubeRelChk               :\ Release Tube, return
 LDY #0:JMP vramSelect        :\ Page in main memory, return
 CLC:ADC #&10:ROL A           :\ Cy=1/0 for load/save
 LDA #0:ADC #0:PHA            :\ A=1/0 for load/save
 JSR TubeAction               :\ Claim Tube and start transfer
 \ At this point, the byte on the stack holds
 \   &1 - load is to Tube
 \   &0 - save is from Tube
 \ ie b7=0 - Tube memory
 \ Do Tube transfer here
 JMP WaitExitDone             :\ Jump to release Tube


Jgharston 22:25, 25 December 2011 (UTC)