Code header

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Files have load and execution addresses that specify where they are loaded to and executed. These specify I/O memory by being &FFxxxxxx and language memory by being <>&FFxxxxxx. The I/O processor is always a 65x2, but the language processor can be one of many CPUs. Files can have a header which specifies what processor the code is written for so if it is run on the wrong processor the client code can generate an error.

The header is the same as the ROM header as ROMs also need to specify what CPU the code is written for and where the code should be copied to in the language memory. The code header also allows files to be loaded from filesystems that don't have load/exec addresses, such as DOS/Windows.


The general layout of the code header is the following:

 Start+0:   JMP Entry                           ; Code entry address or entry point
 Start+3:   JMP Service                         ; Service entry point if a ROM
 Start+6:   EQUB ROMtype                        ; Code type byte
 Start+7:   EQUB Copyright-Start                ; Offset to copyright string
 Start+8:   EQUB 0:EQUS "Title"                 ; Binary version number and title string
            EQUB 0:EQUS "0.00 (01 Jan 2001)"    ; Version string (optional)
 Copyright: EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)J.G.Harston":EQUB 0 ; Copyright string
 Reloc+0:   EQUD Start                          ; Load address if ROMtype bit 5 is set
 Reloc+4:   EQUD Offset                         ; Offsets if specified by the ROMtype
 etc:       ....                                ; Possibly other data
            ALIGN                               ; If the code needs to be aligned

ROM type byte

The ROM type byte at Start+6 indicates what CPU the code is written for.

 bit 7 - Service entry for ROMs, ignored when loaded
 bit 6 - Contains code, if clear will generate an error similar to 'This is not a language'
 bit 5 - Contains a relocation address, if clear the code loads to &8000
 bit 4 - Electron key expansion
 bit 3-0 indicates the CPU type:
           0 6502 BASIC         5 -            8 Z80         12 80286
           1 Turbo6502          6 -            9 32016       13 ARM
           2 6502               7 -           10 -           14 -
           3 6800/6809/68000    8 PDP11       11 80186       15 -

Code in a ROM will normally have a ROM type byte of &E0+cpu, code loaded from a file that is not also a ROM image will normally have a ROM type byte of &60+cpu. If the ROM type byte is &40+cpu or &C0+cpu there is no relocation address and the code loads to &8000.

If the code is run on a CPU that does not match the CPU type an error similar to 'This is not Z80 code' is generated.

Entry point

The entry point at Start+0 must be an unconditional branch to the code's start point in the machine code for the CPU. If the ROM type byte bit 7 is set then Start+3 contains the ROM service entry point, so the entry point at Start+0 must fit into three bytes. If the ROM type byte bit 7 is clear the code at Start+0 can be up to six bytes long, and some CPUs require this.

If ROMtype bit 7 is set then the entry point at Start+3 must be a 6502 unconditional branch to the ROM's service code, or a 6502 RTS.

The code is entered at the entry point with the registers set to a defined state. This is normally:

 Primary register:   0=raw code (no header), 1=code with a header
 Secondary register: points to command line tail
 Flags:              CC=entered at reset, CS=entered otherwise, eg a *command

Example headers

65x2 - ROM type 0,1,2

 Start+0:   JMP  Entry                          ; Code entry point
 Start+3:   JMP  Service                        ; Service entry point
 Start+6:   EQUB ROMtype                        ; flags+&00, flags+&01, flags+&02
 Start+7:   EQUB Copyright-Start                ; Offset to copyright string
 Start+8:   EQUB 0:EQUS "Title"                 ; Binary version number and title string
            EQUB 0:EQUS "0.00 (01 Jan 2001)"    ; Version string (optional)
 Copyright: EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)J.G.Harston":EQUB 0 ; Copyright string
 Reloc+0:   EQUW Start                       ; Load address if ROMtype bit 5 is set
 Reloc+2:   EQUW RelocateTable               ; Normally 0, only supported by MOS 3.50
 Entry:                                      ; Code start

6809 - ROM type 3

 Start+0:   BRA  Entry:NOP                      ; If position-independent code
         or JMP  >Entry                         ; If not position-independent code
 Start+3:   EQUB &4C:EQUW Service               ; 6502 jump to ROM service handler
         or EQUB &60:EQUW 0                     ; 6502 RTS if no ROM service handler
 Start+6:   EQUB flags+&03                      ; ROM type byte
 Start+7:   EQUB Copyright-Start                ; Offset to copyright string
 Start+8:   EQUB 0:EQUS "Title"                 ; Binary version number and title string
            EQUB 0:EQUS "0.00 (01 Jan 2001)"    ; Version string (optional)
 Copyright: EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)J.G.Harston":EQUB 0 ; Copyright string
 Reloc+0:   EQUD Start                          ; Load address if ROMtype bit 5 is set
 Entry:                                         ; Code start

PDP11 - ROM type 7

 Start+0:   BR   Entry:EQUB 0                   ; Branch to code if ROMtype bit 5 is clear
 Start+3:   EQUB &4C:EQUW Service               ; 6502 jump to ROM service handler
         or EQUB &60:EQUW 0                     ; 6502 RTS if no ROM service handler
 Start+6:   EQUB flags+&07                      ; ROM type byte
 Start+7:   EQUB Copyright-Start                ; Offset to copyright string
 Start+8:   EQUB 0:EQUS "Title"                 ; Binary version number and title string
            EQUB 0:EQUS "0.00 (01 Jan 2001)"    ; Version string (optional)
 Copyright: EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)J.G.Harston":EQUB 0 ; Copyright string
 Reloc+0:   EQUD Start                          ; Load address if ROMtype bit 5 is set
 Reloc+4:   EQUD Entry-Start                    ; Offset to entry if ROMtype bit 5 set
            ALIGN                               ; Alight to 16-bit words
 Entry:                                         ; Code start

Z80 - ROM type 8

 Start+0:   JR   Entry:NOP                      ; If position-independent code
         or JP   Entry                          ; If not position-independent code
 Start+3:   EQUB &4C:EQUW Service               ; 6502 jump to ROM service handler
         or EQUB &60:EQUW 0                     ; 6502 RTS if no ROM service handler
 Start+6:   EQUB flags+&08                      ; ROM type byte
 Start+7:   EQUB Copyright-Start                ; Offset to copyright string
 Start+8:   EQUB 0:EQUS "Title"                 ; Binary version number and title string
            EQUB 0:EQUS "0.00 (01 Jan 2001)"    ; Version string (optional)
 Copyright: EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)J.G.Harston":EQUB 0 ; Copyright string
 Reloc+0:   EQUD Start                          ; Load address if ROMtype bit 5 is set
 Entry:                                         ; Code start

32000 - ROM type 9

((NB: needs checking))

 Start+0:   EQUB 0:EQUW 0                       ; Ignored
 Start+3:   EQUB &4C:EQUW Service               ; 6502 jump to ROM service handler
         or EQUB &60:EQUW 0                     ; 6502 RTS if no ROM service handler
 Start+6:   EQUB flags+&09                      ; ROM type byte
 Start+7:   EQUB Copyright-Start                ; Offset to copyright string
 Start+8:   EQUB 0:EQUS "Title"                 ; Binary version number and title string
            EQUB 0:EQUS "0.00 (01 Jan 2001)"    ; Version string (optional)
 Copyright: EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)J.G.Harston":EQUB 0 ; Copyright string
 Reloc+0:   EQUD Start                          ; Load address if ROMtype bit 5 is set
 Reloc+4:   EQUD Entry-Start                    ; Offset to entry if ROMtype bit 5 set
            ALIGN                               ; Alight to 16-bit words

80186, 80286 - ROM type 11,12

((NB: needs checking))

 Start+0:   JR   Entry:NOP                      ; If position-independant code
         or JP   Entry                          ; If not position-independant code
 Start+3:   EQUB &4C:EQUW Service               ; 6502 jump to ROM service handler
         or EQUB &60:EQUW 0                     ; 6502 RTS if no ROM service handler
 Start+6:   EQUB flags+&0B or +&0C              ; ROM type byte
 Start+7:   EQUB Copyright-Start                ; Offset to copyright string
 Start+8:   EQUB 0:EQUS "Title"                 ; Binary version number and title string
            EQUB 0:EQUS "0.00 (01 Jan 2001)"    ; Version string (optional)
 Copyright: EQUB 0:EQUS "(C)J.G.Harston":EQUB 0 ; Copyright string
 Reloc+0:   EQUD Start                          ; Load address if ROMtype bit 5 is set

ARM - ROM type 13

The ARM ROM header is complicated by having been implemented differently on different platforms, the Acorn ARM Evaluation System, the Arthur/RISC OS RomFS, and the Sprow ARM CoProcessor.

((( I'm still writing this part, so will come back to it later )))

Extracting load/exec address

The load and execution addresses can be extracted from the code header with the follow pseudo-code:

 if start+7 does not point to &00,"(C)", then exit   // Raw code
 if rombyte bit 6 is clear, then exit                // No code, service ROM
 if romtype bit 5 is clear, then exit                // No relocation address
 point to the relocation address after the zero
   byte at the end of the copyright string
 switch (romtype AND 15) {
   when 7,9: exec=load+reload[4..7]                  // PDP11, 32000
   when 13:  exec=start+8+start[0..2]*4              // ARM (not complete)

Jgharston (talk) 22:07, 16 January 2017 (UTC)